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HealthPlus Clinic

UGF -203, Suncity Arcade,
Suncity Sector 54, Gurgaon

Health Tips

General Tips

Getting Prepared for Pregnancy

Female fertility decreases with age and it is always advisable to take precautions for couples who are planning to become pregnant. Some of the major precautions that should be taken are:

Women who are planning for pregnancy should avoid liquor avoid smoking

Get into shape and achieve desired body mass index

Take healthy diet (low carbohydrates, high proteins and minerals)

Drink plenty of water (up to 2-3 liters)

Before attempting pregnancy it is advisable to ensure that you have:

Antibodies against Rubella

Blood sugar and thyroid levels are under control

Checks done to ensure that you are not a carrier of Thalassemia

You don't have any untreated medical illness like heart diseases or hypertension

Foods to be Avoided in Pregnancy

Those who suffer from constipation, gas or bloating must avoid peas and other ‘heavy to digest’ cereals. They must take green gram as it is easy to digest and gives protein

Butter, milk, honey, and sweets made from jaggery rather that white sugar to be taken in small quantity

Avoid fried snacks, spicy foods and fizzy drinks

Should refrain from smoking tobacco and taking betel nut, pan-masala or alcohol

Tea, coffee and ice-cream can be taken in small quantity

Food with Low Cholesterol

Skinned milk

Dilated Butter Milk

Almond 5-6 per day

Walnuts 2-3 per day

Flax seed

Whole wheat products

Salad, sprouts, whole pulses, green leafy vegetables, clear Soup

Feeding Posture: Take a pillow support in your lower back and two pillow supports in your lap. Take the baby on the pillow so that baby's mouth is at the level of nipple

Nappy changing posture: Try to take a high table so that your back is always straight while changing posture

Getting out of the bed: Turn to your side, take your lower legs down, with hand support take your trunk up. Sit for a while than stand and walk